velo easy Branding & Website

velo easy is the secure bicycle locker for Berlin that can be geolocated, booked and paid for on your smartphone. bytepark was part of the founding process of this start-up and developed the brand, the website and a mobile application for the young company.

  • Branding
  • Website Design
  • Mobile Application

The Idea

Bicycles are becoming an increasingly important part of life in Berlin. And yet, everyone who gets on one also gets off at some point and then has to look for a safe place to store his/her bike. Unfortunately, bicycle theft and vandalism provide a bitter aftertaste to the joy of bicycling.

The idea was for an individual, lockable bicycle box located at strategic points in the centre of the city as well as at commuter train stations. It had to be easy to book online, to be locked, and later to be unlocked. bytepark has supported the start-up since its founding, developed the “velo easy” brand, built the company website and provided the mobile application that manages the bicycle lockers.

The Branding

The project began with a vision and some initial plans for an innovative product. bytepark supported the velo easy team with its own resources and experience in evolving the business idea and accompanying it on its path to creating a business.

Besides coaching and advising, it was probably most important to build the velo easy brand. Included in that effort were development of the name and fleshing out the overall corporate design. This included not only creation of a logo but also settling on a unified typeface and colour palette.

velo easy Logo
velo easy Logo
velo easy Logo
velo easy Logo
velo easy cards

The Website

All questions surrounding velo easy and the green bicycle lockers are answered on the website. Users can read up on how the box operates, how much it costs, and where the boxes are located.

The website was created with the help of a static site generator and is therefore more flexible and performs better compared to earlier bulky designs based on content management systems. Thanks to its seamless, responsive design, the website also enjoys optimal performance on mobile devices.

velo easy

The Smartphone App

Mobile applications are the centrepiece of velo easy. With their help, the nearest available bicycle locker can be geolocated, the occupancy determined, and the locker reserved as well as booked. The user simply moves about on a calendar and has an overview of all current and planned locations. Appropriately touching the screen provides all of the details as well as the distance to each location. In addition to that, an Android app controls the payment process as well as the interaction with the local locker (opening and closing the doors). By registering for an individual user account and by providing information on payment method, the convenience of “pay-as-you-go” comes into play as well. The application is currently available free-of-charge on Google Play™. An iOS version of the velo easy app will soon be ready for download from the App Store.

velo easy app
velo easy app
velo easy app
velo easy app
velo easy app
Als Start-up stehst du vor vielen technischen und unternehmerischen Herausforderungen. bytepark stand uns stets mit Rat und vor allem Tat zur Seite: von der Erstellung der Website bis hin zur Programmierung der Smartphone-App. Ihr seid die Besten!

Claudine Oldengott, Geschäftsführerin, velo easy, Smart Urban Solutions GmbH

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