Zeversolar Header

Zeversolar Website

Zeversolar is synonymous with innovative key technologies for future energy supply structures. As part of a comprehensive relaunch, bytepark ensured that revolution and progress now also determine the company website.

  • CMS
  • Mobile application
  • Web design

The Concept

In co-operation with lead agency dieckertschmidt, bytepark handled the technical relaunch of the zeversolar.com website. The aim was to create a simple and efficient page that reflects the innovative character of Zeversolar and also works smoothly on mobile devices. In addition to a simple and clear-cut page structure, this also meant effective product presentation. Concept, corporate design and project management were the responsibility of Berlin-based agency dieckertschmidt. bytepark's task was to make the design concept suitable for the web and to translate this into a responsive design.

MacBook Device
iPad Device
iPhone Device
The Result

In addition to implementing the main pages, bytepark also developed a dedicated typo concept and implemented additional sub-pages based on the specified style guides. As part of a technical relaunch, the backend of the website with its three languages (German, English and Chinese) was given a powerful content management framework. Various functional add-ons were also made available.

Zeversolar WebseiteZeversolar WebseiteZeversolar Webseite
Mobile Version
Wir wollten schon immer eine Revolution starten. Das diese auch wirklich pünktlich begann, obwohl das Timing mehr als sportlich war, haben wir den Profis von bytepark zu verdanken.

Stefan Schmidt, Gründer und Creative Director dieckertschmidt

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